Wednesday, July 27, 2011


A couple of updates. First, I have put my A4 up for sale. I think I may have a buyer, but we'll see. He came to look at the car today and was very impressed. He has a previous-generation Avant and it seems my car remedies any deficiencies that his car has. He has to sell his car, and he said he has someone interested in his car. Soooo, maybe we'll get it sold within the next few days. That will eliminate the hassle of having to deal with the trade-in, which invariably means I'll lose my shirt in the deal.

The other bit of news has to do with the Q5. Last week I emailed my sales rep and asked if he had heard anything from Audi, as I had not yet gotten the packet I thought I was supposed to get. He confirmed the order has been placed and accepted by Audi, the car will actually be built on or about August 18 and it will be ready for pickup on September 28. He said I would receive the packet shortly after the car is built. So that's not really any new information, but at least I now have some sort of time line, which is more than I had.

63 days to delivery.

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