Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Going to Germany...maybe

I decided a few days ago that I might want to purchase a new Audi Q5 through Audi's European Delivery program. It sounds like a good deal and it nets me a trip back to Germany.

I spent most of my youth in Germany, as my father was an Army officer stationed there. We lived in several different locations. I spent three years there as a small child (first through third grade) and again as a teenager for six years (13 to 19).

I have not been back to Europe since 1988, so going back will be like a trip back in time for me. I'm anxious to see how things have changed and how they have not changed.

With all that said, I have not yet made a decision whether or not this is going to happen. If not, this will be the shortest blog in history. If so, I plan to blog about each step along the way, which I'm hopeful will be of benefit to someone else looking to do the same thing.

I plan on taking my 14 year-old daughter along with me on the trip and we plan to spend about 10 days in country. I want her to see the places I grew up and some of the places I remember visiting as a child. I regret that I took much of what I grew up with for granted. I look forward to going back and seeing things again from an adult perspective, and giving my daughter a sense of history, both from a cultural and personal perspective.

Today, I plan to go to the dealer and order the car. If all works out, I will post later today regarding the outcome of that meeting.

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